Ope! Bikes.
It's pretty straightforward. Riding and racing bikes has brought me tremendous joy and has transformed my life for the better. And I know I'm not alone in this...
Ope! Bikes. is a podcast, well, about bikes. It's a collection of stories and intimate conversations with members and participants of the cycling community. It's the deep-dive into how bikes can act as catalysts for personal development, healing, social and civil rights advocacy, environmental action, community building...the list goes on and on.
The goal of Ope! Bikes. is to bring these stories and conversations to life and to provide a platform for guests to express themselves as impassioned advocates of the bicycle.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Ope! Bikes.
Part 2 of Talkin' High Country with Zach & Matthew
Back again to tell us their personal tales of the Arkansaw High Country Race are my good friends Zach Smith and Matthew Roeleveld.
Zach and Matthew raced the South Loop this year which features 487 miles of gorgeous, backcountry Arkansawyer roads mixed with a healthy 32,000 foot dose of elevation gain. In Part 2 of Talkin' High Country, Zach and Matthew revel us with their experiences while on the course, the long days and longer nights they endured, the new friendships they forged, and their renewed sense of appreciation and connection for riding bikes in Arkansaw.
I couldn't be more proud of these two for their valiant efforts and I hope you enjoy this intimate conversation with two of my closest friends!