Ope! Bikes.

Talkin' High Country with Zach & Matthew

Ope! Bikes.

Hey everyone! And welcome back to Ope! Bikes. My guests this evening are Zach Smith and Matthew Roeleveld from St. Louis, MO. Zach and Matthew are both small business owners and two dudes who are genuinely stoked on riding and racing bikes. Not only do they excel at cycling, but they’re also amazing fathers, friends, and family men. I’ve known these guys for a few years now and I’m grateful to be included in our “DaddyFriendGroup” activities which includes racing bikes, talking about bikes, and doing our best to raise our wild children in this wild world.

In two weeks time, Zach and Matthew are headed South to Hot Springs, AR for the 2024 rendition of the Arkansaw High Country Race. Both of them are registered for the South Loop this year which boasts 487 miles and 32,000 elevation gain of pure Arkansaw joy and pain. Having completed the course last year, Zach comes into this conversation with a little more knowledge and understanding of what awaits each of them. However Matthew, having never completed the course or participated in an ultra-distance bikepacking event in Arkansaw, comes into the conversation with an open heart, open mind, and a bit of 'what the hell did I get myself into?'.

During the conversation, I question Zach and Matthew on their bike and bag setup for this year’s race, what their mental and physical preparation has looked like, their overall strategy while out on the course, and what feedback they hope to get out of this year’s event. If you’ve done the Arkansaw High Country Race before then you understand how challenging yet rewarding it can be, and I love hearing what each racer hopes to learn about themselves in the process.