Ope! Bikes.

Workin' for the City with Scott Ogilvie.


Today’s episode features the one, the only, Mr. Scott Ogilvie. If you ride or race bikes in St. Louis, there’s a good chance you know who Scott is. Not only is Scott a pillar of the cycling community but he’s also the Complete Streets Program Manager for the City of St. Louis, working as part of the Planning and Urban Design Agency. In this role, Scott is committed to making our streets safer and more accessible for the city’s residents. Prior to Scott’s tenure as Program Manager, he also served as Alderman for the 24th Ward from 2011 to 2019. 

In this conversation, Scott and I talk about how he got his start riding and racing bikes, some of his more memorable moments as a racer, and how bike racing has evolved since he first fell in love with the sport. As the discussion unfolds, Scott offers listeners insight into his tenure as Alderman and his efforts to help refresh and revitalize the track we all love, Penrose Park Velodrome. To wrap up the conversation, Scott walks us through his role as the Complete Streets Program Manager and a handful of the projects that are in the works for 2023 and beyond. Scott believes transportation, and our local streets, are the connective tissue of our community and that they should serve people at all stages of their life, from childhood, through adulthood, and into the senior years.