Ope! Bikes.
It's pretty straightforward. Riding and racing bikes has brought me tremendous joy and has transformed my life for the better. And I know I'm not alone in this...
Ope! Bikes. is a podcast, well, about bikes. It's a collection of stories and intimate conversations with members and participants of the cycling community. It's the deep-dive into how bikes can act as catalysts for personal development, healing, social and civil rights advocacy, environmental action, community building...the list goes on and on.
The goal of Ope! Bikes. is to bring these stories and conversations to life and to provide a platform for guests to express themselves as impassioned advocates of the bicycle.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Ope! Bikes.
Empowerment, Happiness, and Friendship.
My guest today is Kat Lin who races for Road Crew Coffee & Cycles right here in St. Louis, MO. Kat came over last Friday evening and I had a wonderful time learning more about Kat and her background, her entrance into riding and racing bikes, and also her motivations for continuous performance and improvement within the sport. Kat does it all, and she's always there. She races crits, track, gravel, and cyclocross and is always a joy to be around both on and off the bike. I speak for everyone when I say we're lucky to have Kat involved in the St. Louis cycling community.